Drak’s Travelblog

Well, I just wanted to put a notice that Drak have created a travelblog that I’m hosting for the moment. So just to promote the blog and get some more readers I write this notice.

I will, like before, write my journal here, but I will also write posts and things on Drak’s blog too.

The blog adress is; http://drak.nianze.com

Best Regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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5 Responses

  1. Drak says:

    Thank you, I’m guessing we will both be doing guest appearances on eachothers blogs. 😛

  2. Herid Fel says:

    Yeah, I guess we will. But then again, haven’t we done that for quite some time now?

  3. Drak says:

    Indeed we have but with this joint venture of ours I expect it will be much more apparent than before. 🙂

  4. Herid Fel says:

    Hehe, true.

    But you haven’t posted much here lately… maybe you should?

  5. Drak says:

    Maybe I should but I feel for all those lost souls who do not get to read my beautiful posts.