RPG Before Japan
Well, it seems that the final days are numbered.
Today it’s only 27ish days left before I’ll go to Japan. So I just thought to go over how the situation with the RPG is and what we can expect before Japan. And who knows, maybe some major changes will take place this time around too, though I doubt that, since this time I’ll go with someone else so my thoughts won’t be as focused as they were back then. I’ll take it week for week.
Week 10
Tonight we have one SERB-session. Focused around setting up the equipment the unit will have in hand before the real start of this new group. We’ll go as in-depth as possible about what you buy and what you have a design and the place of everything at the Guard Tower that you’ve bought. I doubt we’ll have time for much more.
On Sunday there’s another The Eye-session. This time we’ll go more into the initiation mission for the characters in the group right now. As usual we’ll train and try to extend the task-lists and gain more credentials within The Eye and try to expand the system more. This will be the first adventure I’ll be able to experiment with. I will try to implement and “try” and “show” my possible changes that I would have presented at a Rule Forum during the session instead.
Week 11
This is the last week I’ll be home in Luleå. It seems like the meeting in Umeå is the 20th instead of the 23rd as I originally hoped so there will be no weekend session I’m afraid. But otherwise there would have been a weekend session for the Eye. This week should present one SERB opportunity if I don’t give you more sessions. So one session on Thursday in the current pace.
Week 12
I will most likely, depending on how I’ll fix the problem with the cats, be in Umeå this whole week and come back home late on Sunday or the next Monday. But we’ll see what happens, even so I would not count on any session this week.
Week 13
This week I’m back home again and will probably be quite busy with preparing the last stuff for Japan. Even so one SERB and The Eye-session should be possible. I highly doubt any other kind of session would be possible this week, no matter how good my mood will be. This also seems to be the week where the Easter Break will start for Junior so maybe we can have a whole-day session if I’m in a good mood to compensate for my absence.
Week 14
The final week home. Our plane will leave Luleå around 14:30 so we’ll probably leave from here around 13:30 or something like that. Since I want to pack and go through everything there won’t be any session on Thursday but maybe earlier, but most likely not.
Looking at this it’s only 3 sessions left for SERB and 2 session for the Eye. There’s a possibility for two more SERB sessions but nothing guaranteed. The Eye though will still stand as it is. I will go with 3 session of SERB, one of them being a whole-day session, so do not expect too much. On the next couple of sessions after the setup we’ll do two “regular” missions before you’ll all get to the Misson Arc which will be necessary to gain the Blessing of the Warlord. It will be one skirmish and one raid I think. At least that’s what I’m thinking of right now but that can change. After that you’ll all get the introduction for what you need to do to gain the blessing and then I’ll go to Japan. That sounds only fair, don’t you think?
Best Regards,
Herid Fel
Sounds good.
I guess it sounds fair considering the circumstances
Sounds reasonable to me.