An explanation…
It’s unnecessary for me to answer on everything you wrote so I’ll explain instead. And it seems that it became a post instead of a comment due to it’s length. It’s an answer to Daniel’s comment in The Blog is Dead.
Know though, this is the last time I explain something as simple as this, and I do this with the futile hope that things will change and that people will understand and remember. If you don’t then I will be deeply disappointed and be forced to go on to other things when this is no longer fruitful for me.
To explain it from the beginning.
In December I posted several post that was of interest and should have stirred up some questions, feedback, enthusiasm well a reaction, concerning RPG. I was hyped and had a lot of things going on for the group and a lot of ideas and shit.
Then a week past, two and then I got annoyed. Here I write something that should give a response but not even a beep was heard at all. Nobody posted even a comment as brief as “ok” on any of these important posts about how I was to change and fix things. But I saw people visiting the blog, saw you read the posts but I didn’t even get a sigh as feedback. Then I started to lock posts1 and every now and then have one open post or hint in another post that I was unsatisfied about your lack of interest and feedback on my work. Nothing happened. I got more than annoyed and then the Hmm… post came.
Which made Ankan and PB realize that; AHA! I want you to show interest in my work and comment and give me feedback. It took them just a day or two after the post was posted to realize this and explain and show it to me by posting on the posts and being more active. Yay, I thought, maybe they’ve just been distracted or whatever.
But Daniel, only fished for the answer not even trying to realize what I was writing. I pushed you to explain to me what I was wanting from you, but you didn’t know. You just sought an reaction to; “Maybe this? Or this? Or that?”
Foppa completely misunderstood, he thought, or at least seemed to think, that I just wanted him to ask for a password on one of the protected posts so he could read it or I don’t know what he thought. It was weird and showed that he isn’t reading my blog that much or that carefully.
There is two possible reactions to protecting posts. One, it can motivate the others to want to figure out what it is they need to do to get the privilege to read and thus figuring it out and show interest in other posts and comment showing your dedication and interest in my work or two, you feel like a target and paint yourself as left out or alienated.
The first is the desired response, a motivation to get what the others have, plus writing interesting posts to motivate you even more to read them. Include things such as one open post to get a taste of what there is that is protected, and then follow up with o more juicy protected post. If you get motivated you have a more positive attitude towards the concept and are more open to it. If you do the second option however, you are more stubborn and think that you are the victim of an unfair act and thus more drown yourself in self pity until you get angry and “ignore” in one way or the other precisely what I want from you, making it even worse.
What I’ve said is, I am a creator. A creator such as me lives on one thing to get my creations going, interest, enthusiasm, appreciation and feedback. I mean, even if I would get money for my work I would think that I would net a hell of a lot of money to motivate me to do it. But feedback interest and comments it what fuels me and my motivation to write and create! Not even energy drinks can compare to that.
My blog is my hub for my RPG as I write mostly about Nianze and things around my gaming. I created the blog for feedback and to motivate me to create even more. It worked in the beginning, and it will work even when you stop caring, but I will not put down anything to do things for you if you can’t show enthusiasm. I don’t want to show people who obviously doesn’t care, what I do since they only feel like negative leeches on my work.
Like my mother always said; Don’t just say you’re sorry show it. You can’t say something and expect that people will believe it if you don’t show it too them. So yes, saying that you don’t care Daniel is to provoke you to show you care. It’s so fucking obvious that I shouldn’t need to say it. You are not stupid, but even so you seem to want me to treat you as such. You say you can read between the lines, but you neglect almost everything I say about it.
Foppa I know understands, he just doesn’t do it. Ankan surely has his reasons since he is the one with the most “important” occupation of us. PB shows interest and is by no doubt my biggest fan and motivation for Nianze to grow. But one person doesn’t suffice. Not when you are 5 to 6 players in my group saying that you care and is interested in Nianze. Rasmus is one thing, he is young still, but I expect more from you.
I will not unlock the post, but if you show interest and start taking a more active role you’ll get it. But I don’t feel like you have earned this knowing that you deliberately have been refusing to comment because you felt ‘left out’.
Best regards,
Herid Fel
See Future Locked Posts ↩
I might add that, the blog will die if interest isn’t shown. I will have to search for other places to find inspiration and appreciation. It will most likely get hard but whatever, I do not plan to live to long anyway. Most likely I’ll turn to writing-circles or something only publishing Nianze as stories.
Wow, that certainly is a mouthfull, well it certainly makes sense now then. I already knew that you wanted feedback since earlier discussions so I had already filtered that out.
I’ll see what I can do about showing interest, but understand that the lack of commenting hasn’t been a deliberate one. I wasn’t trying to make a point, it is just as I said in the earlier comment. Most of the time I can’t think of anything meaningful to say to a post (read; really nothing else but a long ‘ok’). The one thing I have been trying to ignore is the actual provocation.
Anyway, thanks for the explanation, it was necessary as I doubt I’d ever have figured it out. “Tomorrow I will try harder”.
Something you will never escape until you’ve proven me different. Once I think that you care and show interest, then I will stop. That’s how I work.
Pff, it’s ridicolous that I have to explain something as basic and simple as this.
But this is not directed at one person but all who cares or at least pretent to care about Nianze and its future.