Years Before On This Day III

It seems like a lot was set in motion a year from now. Looking at the widget about what I wrote the past few days one can clearly see one of my creative “super bursts” moments where I recreate or finish things I’ve been meant to do for years or only just a long while.

This burst though was due to the simple fact that the RPG newly had changed its language to fully adapt English as the main language for Nianze. This still hasn’t been completely worked out yet but it works pretty well and Nianze feels a lot more professional with this. As usual when changes like this occur I tend to look upon things that needs to be changed and when I work with things and come over a small thing or two, my fingers tend to get busy changing things.

This though can be a problem too when I start working too much on one thing leaving other things to suffer. Which I did this time and probably will do again, it’s a bad habit of mine it seems. I can easily get stuck with something, and when I have my mind set on that I block out other things or put it aside to later. But then when my burst is over I wait to fix it until the next burst or when it’s needed. Just like the specialities.

As we can see I finished four specializations but kept the rest waiting until someone would play it. This has proved to cause some slight problems, like consistency and possibility to plan ahead. Even today the specialities aren’t finished and still need working on. Not to mention that I just recently changed all the specialities slightly too. Well, it’s an everchanging game but that’s to be expected when you do stuff like this. Though I think Nianze will come to a halt soon if not more enthusiasm is shown over my work.

Well, if Nianze doesn’t halt then I’ll soon try to focus to implement and finish what I’m doing right now. I’m trying to complete quite a lot, which the ones who have read the protected “Rule Forum” post might now. And for every day that goes by my burden is growing lighter and I’m finishing up more and more of my workload. Soon I’ll start up one or more of the groups on the Group page1 that is marked as upcoming.

The group The Eye will be a weekly group where I’ll test smaller adventures, dungeons and scenarios. Some dungeons and adventures will be replayed more than twice to do improvements and to test out different characters and specialities to help me perfect things. This group also is the one with lower requirements since it is a group mostly to test characters. Possible characters, so no complete misfits or Starcrossed people. Even if the characters die they won’t die a final death. So they can be reused and you don’t even need to stick to your own character. You can swap if you want but you still own the character you make. If you then want to use your character in a real group we’ll just do the necessary single-sessions for this to happened and do a remake of it. This way you can do more experienced characters that you’ve actually have had a chance to improve without trying to fix and trix on the Creation Index.

Well, well…

  1. Do not forget to vote if you haven’t done that. If you are one of my regular players I beg of you to do this even if it only a NO! This includes Foppa and Rasmus! 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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2 Responses

  1. Patrik says:

    Well I hope you continue the development since I like this game alot otherwise I dont think I would have stuck around.

    Yeah too bad the other specialities got left out when you remade them, but as you said the game is going through some major changes now aswell and probably some of the things you wrote back then doesnt match the current version so to speak.

    As for the Eye campagin im looking forward to it, when you say lower requirements how low are we talking about here, will there be any social events? Good thing to get this group going to test some more combat/dungeons though I think that will be a good way to develop things at a faster pace.

  2. Herid Fel says:

    As for the Eye campagin im looking forward to it, when you say lower requirements how low are we talking about here, will there be any social events? Good thing to get this group going to test some more combat/dungeons though I think that will be a good way to develop things at a faster pace.

    There will be social missions and social events included in the scenarios yes. But there will be moments where all social activities are forfeited and only decision consequence and action and reaction is what will be prasied. But social missions will still be social. But there won’t be a flowing pace or puzzled together to fit logically. Not as much, just barely. It’s for testing things.