Sandwich, Tea and a Couch

To take a sandwich, or four in this case, brew a can of tea and then just sit back in the couch and watch movies and just relaxing is something that I’ve not been able to do for a while. I guess the lack of food and the thought that; if I eat a sandwich now I’ll be one day less with breakfast, but if I don’t I will be hungry all night long and I’ll have trouble sleeping. And that’s one thing with me, when it comes to food I need to eat or I will loose inspiration quite quickly so often I’ve eaten instead of prioritizing breakfast for one more day. But now it’s solved… for a while.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get money and shit before I’ll run out of food again but I’ve been able to live on about two hundred SEK before and I think I might be able to do it again. Just long enough to get the bills paid and my fridge secured.

I shouldn’t say filled, since even though I have money I wouldn’t fill it unless I’ve gotten an excessive amount of cash almost overflowing my bank account. And I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to ‘waste’ my money on food even then. Of course I wouldn’t be hungry, but I wouldn’t buy everything, almost like now. I make a list of the goods I want and when I go to the store I buy about 3 of the stuff on my list and excluding everything else as unnecessary since its thing I don’t directly need, only wanted when I couldn’t have it. Or well, I wouldn’t mind having it but it’s not really necessary for my survival.

But most likely if I had an excessive amount of money I would change, sooner or later to buy the stuff I think is nice and sooner or later I would stop thinking about money and just throw it around myself like PB does in bars. But well, nobody will know since I live on the edge of economical slightness.

Well, I think that I’ll have to change some of my ‘obligations’ a little soon since I’m soon overflowing with board work. TA, The World of Nianze, SVEROK and soon WANO and maybe even SVEROK National, and not to mention Iocus. I have some ideas how to solve this, but I’ll have to discuss it with people before I’ll do anything about it, and I think that will be on the next annual meeting for The World of Nianze, so we can officially do some changes through the system instead of just quirking it. Even though quirking is actually working better in most small associations than following strict protocol, especially when the association is as small as ours.

Well, speaking about SVEROK it’s a high possibility that SVEROK ÖN becomes SVEROK Norrbotten instead. On my trip down to Stockholm we spoke about splitting SVEROK up here in the north since Umeå and Luleå is quite far apart and it’s quite a bother to try to arrange and do anything when both the board and the district are divided into two counties. Our plan was to take up this motion on the next annual SVEROK National meeting and most likely I’ll be in charge of creating this new district. If SVERÖK ÖN becomes SVEROK Norrbotten then it will consume a lot of real effort, if the plan falls through as I hope it will.

But all in due time, now, tea, couch, movies, now.

You are the weakest link!
Good bye!

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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