Rebuilding Meno
Well, or at least building it. The only part of Meno that’s even partially rebuild since the great rebuilding started about a year and a half ago is the cities and their system. But as stated there is a lot to be done there and since it’s supposed to be five countries in one, it’s quite much to deal with. But now I have a group there so this is one of the biggest things on my working table right now, except for the whole Macabre-timeline which is almost done, just some small adjustments…
Well, I will now tell you and all who reads this blog a little about the main idea behind this big country.
Meno is, supposed to be the largest civilised country in Nianze. But it’s also supposed to be the most respected and influential country just next to the Holy Land since Meno is not partial with any government. They might be good friends with Magun since Magicka is their sister country but they have not sided with them, at least not in Status Quo or in Yurin called Sanzen.
But Meno is actually not one kingdom anymore, and it’s not even a kingdom either. It’s a gathering of five states. There is one state, which is not a state, and all states, which is the Star State. It’s where the capital city is and where the most important people of all the five states assemble and rules the five other states. Every state has ONE magical city and sometimes a few smaller cities or towns, each one are similar to the inner city of Meno thus remains from The Demonic Age.
The states represent the points of the five point star and the sixth state is the Star State and is represented as the centre of the star. Exactly what the other states are called I’m not entirely sure yet. I have some names I’ve used before and I have the cardinal points which I’m using so far. According to this we have the North State, East State, West State, South East State and South West State. Of these the West State is the State of Adun, the city which have fallen, twice when players been there.
Well, more about the country it’s supposed to be filled with magic since it has a lot of demonic ruins and remnants and it’s also filled with magical phenomena since this is the country with second most magicians around.
All the states should be different in both looks and behaviour even their philosophy should be different. It’s almost like crossing a border to an other land when you go to another state and mostly the laws and the cities workings are the same.
Most of my ideas behind Meno are something similar to a medieval America which is liked by most and powerful and rich. The country in it’s own should be a mixture of different English cultures like England, Scotland, America, Australia and New Zeeland but completely different. Mostly just some small resemblances here and there.
Well, it’s a lively country with much going on, night or day, in every country. It’s always in action and you can count to see its influences in a lot of places.
Best regards,
Herid Fel
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