Fever Dream
I just had a really strange dream, fun in its way and I just must write about it.
I was sitting in my kitchen and writing something and suddenly I, Robert and Rasmus were in my living room with my glass table full of bottles of alcohol of every kind and we were playing some alcohol game and playing roulette.
I’m not quite sure what happened next but the next thing I know Robert and Rasmus are drunk as hell and I’m a little drunk but chasing after them as they are running around in my apartment like wild kids, trying to fight with bottles of whine and don’t really know how but I think we got out and I chased them all over the city trying to keep them out of harms way. And then we’re suddenly on a roof top fighting Andreas Hagberg with swords and pistols and shit and the whole town was on fire.
This is about when I realize it’s a dream and how fucking hilarious it is and starts laughing and wakes up laughing at the situation. I must say it was one of the funniest dreams I’ve ever had, even though it was weird. Heh, I remember how I was worried about cleaning my apartment when I was running after the boys, hehe.
You just gotta love fever dreams.
Very funny dream, I’d almost forgotten all about it. Nice memories.