Ramble XL

Well, I haven’t written any post for a while and I have my reasons. I actually didn’t think that I would have time to write anything today but due to a drop in my system I actually managed to get some time.

Well, the main reason to why I haven’t written anything is that I’ve been quite busy. It’s quite funny how busy someone like me can be, but the good thing is that it’s all by choice and not a have-to thing. If I had to do everything I’m doing that takes my time I would probably bail pretty quickly if I didn’t get some serious dough out of it.

My sister has moved into my place for the moment. I don’t know for how long and I actually don’t care. As long as she’s comfortable and wants to stay she’s welcome to stay at my place. The other alternative is to live with our mother and the cons and pros of that point to my place. She has food, but she’s very tiring in the long run. Then with my sister’s temper and need for space and the freedom we both thrive in, it’s bound to be a conflicted stay if she stays there for too long.

Food will soon be a serious problem I think. If I push it I will be able to get out of this pinch in a week or two, but well, I’ll have to live on soup for a while now. But after today1 I probably won’t play RPG during daytime or whole-day sessions until I’ve got a steady food supply. Right now I have breakfast, but I guess it will be depleted in a few days and then I need to really conserve energy.

Good thing though is that I still have my imaginative drive going so new ideas are growing forth pretty quickly. My patience though is almost in the bottom, with exceptions of people I actually like, for some reason my patience against those people are always higher when I’m low on energy. But well, I don’t like people who are fools because they choose to be fools. But I guess you knew that already.

As for the Kusmark-trip, I think that if I have the energy and the rest of you have it too, we’ll probably play a lot more than before. But that also depends on the weather and stuff. I have a lot I want to play and by the looks of it right now I’ll prepare to push you into a dungeon scenario with multiple dungeons for the AFC during the Kusmark visit. But I also think about playing more shit, but well, nothing is decided really. Well, we’ll see how it goes.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

  1. Thursday 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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