One step closer…

My other thoughts in RPG concerns weapons. I want the weapons to have not too different damages, but mostly different appliances such as weapon types have different negative and positive effects. Most of the “real” damage should come from the wielder except in special weapon cases or with powerful weapons that have effects and much more.

Right now most weapons have either D2 or 2D2 in damage. When it comes to damage that’s quite alright but still I’m not satisfied. Weapons are still to similar, even though their dub, weight, and range is making the major differences. I want to give weapons more dynamic use and somehow make it so you can vary a little in your fighting style when you fight with a weapon. Because right now it’s pretty much the same, not bad, but it could be better.

I’ve for a long time been thinking about this with “base techniques” which I had before and it wasn’t a bad idea, even though it was too many techniques back then. My thoughts have gone a little here and there since then and I think I will try to include some new base techniques, and to begin with only for swing weapons since their advantages over other weapons are their availability and that they have the most uses and techniques.

Swing Weapons Base Techs
Quick Swing – This is a quick swing which will do minimum damage
Normal Swing – The normal swing which will have a rolled die for damage
Power Swing – A heavy swing with the maximum damage
Thrust – Minimum damage, but longer range and good with Target

Every one of these base techs will have some differences between them. Normal will be as before, so you don’t need to think about the others if you don’t want to use them. But my whish is for you to remember them and use them. What will differ from the attacks will most likely be range, the probability to hit, the actions it will take, if it’s block able or not, if a technique or skill can be used and SC. Quick swing will probably always be possible to do, when you’re out of actions and such.

Most likely this will be all the base techs there is and then depending on how I think this works I might actually reduce actions on most weapons and have it more to depend on stuff like base techs, which should be natural/obvious techniques. Just as I want you to memorise and learn your speciality without having a speciality card.

This whole thing is another step towards the IP-system, since SC and IP will be the thing which will determine attacks and flow of the battle. By using base techs which will alter the power of an attack, and also the speed and precision of it, I’ll soon have it more like I want it to be when I finalize the base system and make the alternative IP-system.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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