RPG in Stockholm

Well, today I finally got them role-playing for the first time and with a pretty good result I must say. Even though their focus wasn’t the best, but it was okay.

Believe it or not I tried Cluedo with them and for the first time since the recreation of this dynamical scenario it worked out pretty well. This is also one of the few things that Sara seems to be… lacking at for some strange reason. Mimmi was a natural when it came to Role-Playing and after reading her blog I believe that she’s actually well cut out to be a game master if she only could get the time and the players to play with.

I also made some modifications to the scenario as this was actually the first time we made it through the first round and into the second murder. I saw that I need some more openings and a better… flow for the beginning even though it’s pretty okay if all players are active.

It’s also vital than all players understand their role and play it out fully or the group as a whole will be lacking. We played it with three players (the additional assistant) which worked okay even though Sara was mostly being passive most of the time.

Well, tomorrow I’ll head into the city and play around a little with Drak. Hopefully the rain and thunderstorms won’t be too bad so we can walk around freely or do whatever we’ll be doing. Well, now I’m going to take it easy rest of the night…

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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