Monthly Archive: June 2009

Session Notice

Session Notice

A thought just came to mind… I’ve said that the main group goes first right now. AFC-sessions are first if the people concerned want their sessions overwith. So if a conflict arises, if someone...

Events of the Summer

Events of the Summer

Right now I know I have the following events planned for this summer, there might be more added later, and some stuff isn’t finalized yet so well, this is what I know I’ll do...

Ramble XXXI

Ramble XXXI

So here we are again. Me just writing something without a clue what to really write about. Often these kinds of posts tend to just be shallow and uninteresting but well, that’s how it...

The Shikár – Part Five

The Shikár – Part Five

Så, den femte delen utav denna serie, jag tror jag har fått grepp om hur lång den kommer att bli nu, om jag inte skriver allt för mycket om en punkt igen. Jag har...

Weekend Notice

Weekend Notice

It seems like this weekend will be full of things… even though not as I first thought it would be. This notice is mostly to give you all a picture of what is happening...

Shikár – Part Four

Shikár – Part Four

Hum, tänkte försöka mig på en fjärde del av denna serie utav poster men vi får väl se hur lång denna blir. Det finns fortfarande mycket jag har kommit på och strukturerat upp och...

Deceptive Appearances

Deceptive Appearances

Well, today was a good day, I thought until blood started pouring out of my nostrils when I came home from the RPG-session. I’ve spent most day just relaxing and doing a little of...