Surfers of the Week

I must say that even though this week has been really busy, and really tiring it’s been a really good and fun week with a lot of new people in my life. I’ve had Couchsurfers here all week I must admit and it’s just now I’m alone again for better or worse.

First I had three German guys here from early Monday morning to early Wednesday. At the same time I hosted one American guy that came late in the evening on Monday and went back home late in the evening on Thursday. Then around 12 on Friday Mimmi and Sara arrived and they went back home to Stockholm, yes they are Swedish, today around 16:00 leaving my all alone in my apartment.

Since I had promised Kjell to help him out in the shop this week I didn’t spend too much time with the Germans during the day. I helped them find stuff and talked a little about what to expect and so on and we had some nice conversations too. When the American guy arrived I talked a lot of philosophy with him since he was into this kind of stuff so it was pretty fun. He also had some wine with him so in the middle of the night we were discussing stuff and drinking wine.

In general the Germans were nice but shy people. But I think that’s only natural when you are a lot of people in one company and you are mostly trying to be nice and kind to the host as well as enjoy yourselves. Well they were quite funny and we had some fun together during the evenings and especially the second day when the American by happenstance met another guy he had requested to surf at and they talked and it ended with all of us going to this hosts place cooking a big meal together and eating and drinking wine until late. That was really unexpected and really nice to not only have a dinner with four other CouchSurfes but also meeting two new people that are hosting in Luleå. The only setback was that I had to go home quite early due to the cat and that I was the one who opened up Iocus on Wednesday morning.

The American guy decided to sleep at this other surfers place for one night so in the morning when the Gemans left it was only me for a while. That was kind of good since I only have one key to my apartment right now and I had to go to the shop to open it quite early too. That day went buy quite quickly and the American and Ilja (as the other host was named) even visited me an Iocus. Later that night we did quite a lot of things which ended up in Allstars, a pub in the city, but that’s another post I think.

Well, due to the night outside and role-playing until 3 in the night I slept quite late Friday morning. I had been quite tired during Thursday and working all the day in Iocus and then playing RPG from 18:00-03:00 was quite tiring. So I woke up when Mimmi called me and asked if I had forgotten about them, of course I hadn’t but I had been so tired so I’d overslept.

Well, I soon met them at the Train Station and in the end we came back here after a quick detour to my mother to get a table she wanted to get rid off that I’d promised to take, before I got my glass table, but I took it anyway. Well, Mimmi and Sara is quite different from all surfers I’ve had before I must say. Even though I’ve had some Swedish here it felt more like having some friends here like Zaphod than having two strangers here.

They were both kind, open, and nice people with a straight forward way of acting and a behaviour that just seemed to be similar to people whom I find interesting and fun to be with. It was really fun and I think I made two new friends as well. We did a lot of things together, we made Fondue on Friday with some meat I got from my mother and we played mini-golf on Saturday and walked around a lot. We ended the night with looking on movies until four in the morning. And even then we didn’t really slept until we finally managed to get quiet. I also must say that Mimmi and Sara are the first CouchSurfers I’ve ever hosted that I missed. It was really nice.


Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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2 Responses

  1. pebbles says:

    we like, totally rock dude 😉

  2. Herid Fel says:

    we like, totally rock dude 😉

    Hehe, sure we do!