Iocus Opened

As you all might have noticed or at least heard Kjell-Runo has finally opened his shop Iocus. As promised I’ve helped him out a little and will keep trying to help him to get into order and so on.

Working is a tiresome thing obviously, but we knew that already. Even so it’s at least fun to do things where it actually does matter and with stuff I actually care about. One thing though is that I need to eat more. I really feel my energy draining and it’s only because I’m running out of food in general and when eating less and doing more sounds like a good plan (or not) it’s not really working.

Well, there is still more that needs to be done in the shop and more will be done. Hopefully we’ll get more things in order the next week. But there is a lot of stuff left to do but first we need to get a better grip over our products and manage our prices better. So to do a complete inventory list with correct prices should be the first priority. The next should be to get the system going with everything. Cleaning, ordering, requests and managing the disk.

Well, nothing I think we can’t handle. When this is finished Kjell should finish the stuff in the back and take as much help with it as he can to finish it as soon as possible. Then the shop should really get going as soon as a real cash register and a credit card manager. Well… there is a lot to do…

Well, next week will be hell on earth. It seems like I will have one vacant day to breathe on, which will be Thursday. So we’ll see how much Iocus and RPG I will have time, energy and will for the upcoming week.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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