Old Memories
Anybody remember Phorumet? The forum I spent most of my younger days at? Today when I searched the internet for some information I happened to find that Phorumet is alive… in a mirrored copy...
by Herid Fel
by Herid Fel · Published Monday May 11, 2009 01:41 · Last modified Tuesday May 12, 2009 01:44
Anybody remember Phorumet? The forum I spent most of my younger days at? Today when I searched the internet for some information I happened to find that Phorumet is alive… in a mirrored copy...
It seems like I’ve fallen behind quite much the last five days. I don’t really know how I will cover this but I will probably write many short posts. Longer than this post, but...
by Herid Fel
by Herid Fel · Published Saturday May 9, 2009 14:52 · Last modified Monday May 11, 2009 14:54
This is just a thought and before I elaborate it I want some opinions about it both for and against so I can weight them. Most likely there will be a Rule Forum after...
by Herid Fel
by Herid Fel · Published Friday May 8, 2009 13:14 · Last modified Monday May 11, 2009 14:29
It’s been a little over a year since I returned from Japan now and I must say that the late events all have strengthen my desire to go back there. I don’t really know...
by Herid Fel
by Herid Fel · Published Thursday May 7, 2009 12:24 · Last modified Monday May 11, 2009 12:25
Jag orkar inte skriva på engelska just nu, samt att jag skriver sällan inlägg på svenska nuförtiden. Och variation förnöjer ju ibland, eller hur? Slaget har varit högst underhållande även om det betytt förbannat...
by Herid Fel
by Herid Fel · Published Wednesday May 6, 2009 22:14 · Last modified Monday May 11, 2009 12:41
This is one way to fill up empty days. With favourite pictures from the LoL-pages.
Well, Shangri La will be a campaign scenario, thus meaning that it will be a little “campaign” style series of sessions. When I define campaign it is often something with an ulterior motive or...
by Herid Fel
by Herid Fel · Published Monday May 4, 2009 19:14 · Last modified Monday May 4, 2009 19:17
Hittade en rolig historia på en utav mina standard sidor, rätt så rolig tyckte då jag.
by Herid Fel
by Herid Fel · Published Saturday May 2, 2009 00:26 · Last modified Tuesday May 5, 2009 00:28
I wonder how many ”friends” or ”buddies” I’ve forgotten over my life. I remember having some momentary friends during summer-camps and when I was with my father on the Air Field when he was...
This phrase is something that you’ll hear about a dozen times or more when you play X-files with Rasmus and Robert. I have a speculation that Rasmus mostly is playing because that he can...
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