Almost Restored

If I should say a procentage of how much of my health has been recovered I would say 90 or maybe 85%. My voice is back to full strength as of today so I can finally speak without sounding like I’ve put a rasp down my throat. And I’ve stopped coughing and my thoughts are working as usual. So almost back to full strength, only some temporary weakness in my bones and a minor dull headache.

Today Josef and Tocke made their new characters. This took about three hours and it was pretty fun and interesting. Tocke has a lot of fun ideas even tough he had to scrap some of them. Making a concept this way is really similar to the way we made characters before, and with a hint of the new, deeper way of thinking.

Well, I also realize that I should finish the last chapter of the myths. It’s contents, or supposed content is brought up more and more since A LOT of like everything important happened then. It also gives all the questions to all the important answers to why things are as they are and also what people are struggling for and how. Who likes who and why and when, and where and all of those really important questions you should ask yourself if you want to understand and feel what you should feel in the world.

Well, right now I think I will take it as it comes. The Shikár posts is up and then we’ll see how my energy, time and will is to write the last part. I have it all; I only need to compose the rest of it. But it feels like I should do some revisions in the previous parts before I write the last part. But well, we’ll see. In the end I plan to have it all finished at least. I’ll need to have at least the last chapter as the initial lore for my game since everything after the Fire Wars actually revolves around the events which begun there. Why is The Creator dead and what is the apocalypse and why do we even want to stop it?

Well, well… now I will write the Shikár post I hope, or finish it at least. And then I’ll prepare the documents for tomorrow. Sleepyhead is first out to do his single sessions and then Lazyhead on Saturday. It also seems like The Duck won’t be able to play this weekend, he has a lot to do the closest few weeks so my aim with starting again next weekend is a little bit too optimistic. Well, one thing is for sure, Lazyhead and The Duck won’t play duo sessions, even if that should have saved me some time. So who knows when the Second Arc will begin?

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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