You think this might be an X-file?
This phrase is something that you’ll hear about a dozen times or more when you play X-files with Rasmus and Robert. I have a speculation that Rasmus mostly is playing because that he can say this phrase all the time…
Well, the restart was first postponed today since I hadn’t finished the case. I’ve been up all night trying to finish the scenario and unfortunately with no luck. Well, after a little breakfast and a walk to Kvantum I got some more ideas but that was not enough I had to watch four more episodes of X-files to gain what I needed. In the end I tried to tie everything up as neatly as possible but I still think the conclusion was too hard.
The session was pretty good, and we had fun. Foppa’s involvement wasn’t as bad as I thought and even tough he sometimes took too much place which made Rasmus more unsure of himself than usual.
The problems with making a X-file scenario is that it is almost twice or maybe thrice times as hard to make a good scenario than making a Cluedo-session. I need to make it logical, from a real REAL point of view but also make it interesting and then twist it so it becomes an X-files. Then the real challenge is to make an X-file out of it which is interesting and well built.
No, it’s no easy task to make a good X-file but I think I managed today even tough it was a little bit too hard in the end. The conclusion is quite hard to come to for some reason since I need to be better to determine where and what they will do since the k… teens aren’t always thinking logically and without giving them the answer openly.
Well, well… now I need to prepare and rest for the next RPG-session. Hope this will be a good session. And think about what I’d said before in other posts concerning the AFC group.
Best regards,
Herid Fel
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