Jordan News

For those who haven’t checked up the fact lately I just wanted everyone interested to notice that it’s been decided that the final book, A Memory of Light, will in fact be divided to three volumes instead of one massive volume.

The first in the trilogy of AMoL will be named The Gathering Storm and it seems to be released this November. According to what I’ve read and gathered from Dragonmount, Brandon’s blog and Tor’s website it seems like they are trying to get all of the writing that was left by Jordan out in the books.

So as you might remember Jordan himself had planned to split out some minor and not essential stuff into two “outrigger novels” which were meant to explain some things and also to give some more and new perspectives on things after the end. It seems this instead will be in the final books since nobody is left to write the outrigger novels.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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