My New Assignment

… is to be accountant for SVEROK Upper Northland’s federal association board. This will mean not only that I have a major role in a meaningful board, but also that I’m going to have to go down to Umeå a lot, and I mean a lot. Since four out of five members of the board lives and resides in Umeå we will have a selected few meetings in Luleå, if any.

I’m going back to Umeå again the 24th of March as far as I know right now, but I might bail on that one depending on the situation. But since that will be the first meeting after the constitutive meeting I might go down there Tuesday to Wednesday (24-25)

Anyhow, it seems like there is a lot of opportunities’ in the world of associations and I think I kind of like it so maybe I will spend more energy in this area this year… or not maybe, since I took a major role in the association, but I mean outside this matter.

So I guess I’ll be seeing a lot of Umeå, which is good I guess. They have a lot of stores here and fun places to go and I really like the family I’m staying at. Fun and entertaining not to mention that they treat me delicious food! And today I fixed their wireless internet so I could use it from the Guesthouse without troubling them or molesting their computer for my needs.

Well, well… I must say that the more meetings outside TA and my own I’m attending to the more my experience and understanding for the formalia of the meeting and association structure works, too bad that I’m the only one in the group really interested in this kinds of shit. But I guess I’m in some way interested in every kind of shit I can use to benefit myself and my purposes.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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