Ramble XXI
It’s been a very productive, yet not productive day today. I’ve done quite a lot but I’ve not done everything and not completed everything I’ve started with. But well, it’s a good day anyway, and yeah I am now officially one step closer to the end! I will win! =)
I’ve started to go through your equipment and concepts more thoroughly and I’ve found some flaws here and there which I didn’t knew about or thought about earlier. For instance we have Hibiki, which according to your concept and profile is born deaf. No big deal, until you realize that Hibiki cannot speak. Oh, he can make sounds alright but it’s impossible for him to learn how to adjust his vocal cords to voice words without hearing them.
This fact I’ve completely missed and therefore we need to modify this. There are a lot of different ways to change this or just the concept and since we are in this stage you will only have a few options to pick from with very little alternatives or room for modifications.
Other than that I’ve only made clear that Keisuke shouldn’t be able to travel in Taraien and a little more here and there which needs to be adjusted. Mostly minor stuff’s concerning Demonic Lineage, being blind or deaf and the like. If I haven’t mistaken myself only Willhelm have managed to get out of that hassle without any flaws since he’s pretty normal.
When it comes to equipment you will all get about one A4 handwritten comments from me or the like with my thoughts over your equipment or how you write it and so on. I’ve also written down your additional gear, which you didn’t knew about or things that you should have which you had forgotten or something. Although I’m not finished with my comments yet, I will probably give you a comment on other things I think you should change as well if I find anything.
Other than that I’ve started to lay up a more detailed plotline and I’ve tried to put all threads and directions in front of me to see how to make this group well balanced between all of you. I’m not really sure how to do this yet but I have my ideas. The tricky part with this group is to make room for your characters goals and reasons as well as the society and my own pulls. I have some experiments in the air (three of them, Demonic Lineage, Mysticum Blind and Holy Addendum) which also needs to be both tested and developed.
As for reality my body is still highly unstable and will probably be like that for quite a while, not that I care I’ve had a lot of time to rest since I got home from Umeå anyway. Good thing is that the weather is turning around so it’s nicer to take some strolls during the day which is really good for both my body and my eyes and ears.
Today I was thinking maybe I should finish the last chapter of the Myths but when I opened the document I realized that I’ve written about 18 pages… 18 PAGES! And I need to read through this and revise this before I continue. That or I need a lot of energy to just continue without pause. But it feels like I want to modify and make sure things are right in the previous chapters before I continue to this chapter, although I could always edit afterwards. But there’s no hurry anyway…
Well, well…
Best regards,
Herid Fel
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