AFC – Starting Point
Since we didn’t finish the Group Talk the first time the Starting Session were discarded. So the first session of AFC will be the first session and not a starter session or anything. But just to refresh your memory, since people tend to forget about everything I say if I don’t write it down for them…, I will now sum up what have just happened and also add some I’ve already added into my head. By the way, you should all note the session’s page, which I’ve totally updated with new text…
Hibiki confronted Violet some time ago with questions about her knowledge of ruins and artefacts which later brought them to the topic of excavating a ruin with her help. The group has already been to ruins twice so they all decide to follow on this little venture.
On the trip to this place in which they are going they encounter a Sandstorm and are forced to seek refuge in some caves. This was not planned, but then again Sandstorms are highly unpredictable in nature but oh so deadly if one doesn’t know how to protect oneself from them.
Your stay in the caves wasn’t eventless, quite the opposite. Not being too well prepared for this you have been without food and water for some time. The caves provided some water thanks to the cunning knowledge of Paul and the only food you’ve eaten, also thanks to Paul, have been roasted scorpions and bats which you have found in the caves.
But during your stay a lot of things happened. It started by you being attacked by some Sand Robbers which had been hiding in the caves, these Robbers were highly skilled but seemed to be after something specific, like they knew who you were. You defeated them but got some wounds as a result. The ones who didn’t die fled out in the Sandstorm and probably died. Soon after this event Willhelm lost himself in the caves and were found unconscious almost ten hours later by Hibiki, with no recollection of what had happened.
Not soon after Willhelm had been found Keisuke’s eyes started to ulcerate which nobody in the group ever had seen. Usually when this happens Keisuke is alone with one exception for his most trusted person1. He needs at least one to help him with this process. This leads to that everyone in the group happens to see his eyes since he’s forced to remove his headband. One in the group2 has then helped him to clean his eyes from the white-yellow ulcer which took up almost 1/2 of the groups water reserves. After the cleaning Keisuke have been resting with metallic eyelids on his eyes for about a day.
That night when the group were just talking while still waiting for the storm two in the group3 were stung by sand scorpions. All except Violet and the NPC’s were asleep when the scorpions were creeping up on the group and before anyone had time to react two had been stunned. During this brief Chaos Keisuke was still immobilized which will give him a greater chance to have been one of the stung ones. Most of the scorpions were then used as food by Paul who strange enough knew how to cook poisonous scorpions to make them edible, which nobody else knew in the group. This was good since the group had run out of both food and almost all water now.
The storm continues as does the poison. There is only two ways to treat a person with that poison, cutting the limb (This is the Desert People’s way) or to make an antidote (this is an idea Violet had). She found out, with the help of some of Paul’s equipment, that it’s possible to make an antidote by using the venom from a scorpion and mix it with venom from a snake. The only thing is that those snakes are good hiders and like it cold, real cold. Not to mention that making that antidote will take a lot of water if nobody has a chemistry set. So the rest of the group then goes on a search in the caves to find the snakes while the sick and the NPC’s stays to guard them.
This search takes about one and a half day before they manage to both find and catch one of those snakes and during these days both Violet and Willhelm have seen and heard shadows and footsteps like someone else is hiding in the caves, tough they haven’t found anyone or any signs of anyone else.
After making the antidote the group runs out of water which is a big problem. Everyone in the group needs water and except for the two camels Violet and Willhelm have with them nobody has water. Then Paul amazes everyone again with his strange knowledge how to use special kinds of stones in caves to make water. Tough this water will only bring them the minimum amount necessary to survive for a couple of days.
On the last day when both the water and food are gone the storm finally calms itself. We will start playing just when the storm has settled and your first destination will be a hidden cache. Keisuke will lead you there since it’s his knowledge. You need to go there first before continuing or returning to Kaaba.
Note that we COULD and WOULD have played these events if the group had insisted on having a starter session that actually took place. Now I just listed the effects but you will still get some AP and EP for this although I will decide how much and on what and so on. We will start with full CC and other energies but some of you might have a wound you got in the fight with the Robbers and those two who have been poisoned will get +2 on BC on Physical Resistance. To sum up about what I have planned for the next session it will be something like this but with events;
Prepare to leave the caves – Social soft start
The Desert – The first introduction to the desert
The Cache – Whatever this is
Desert ride – This time with the target on either your dungeon or Kaaba depending on what you choose, nothing is set in stone here
Or something like that, I’m not promising you it will be like that, that would ruin all the fun but that this is at least some of my ideas for the next session. I continue to plan later when I know when to have the session and so on.
And yeah I must say this; if you disagree with what I write and so on, both with this post as well as the session’s page, you shouldn’t make an irritated comment there. And now don’t get too hasty to get me wrong, you are of course entitled to an opinion but to be annoyed and then express it in a comment will only irritate me, even though I always try not to be annoyed by it, it might ruin my will to play totally and therefore it’s better to you to express your irritation directly to me instead of a comment. I hope you all can understand this without getting annoyed or irritated.
Best regards,
Herid Fel
Just to add a notice that probably wasn’t that easy to understand, if you have any questions about the events and/or suggestions you should make them before it’s too late and I’ve acted and planned on this. There is still room for changes.
Everything is pretty clear and I have no complaints, I’m looking forward to the session.
I have questions about the cache and some about my eyes…. But I think it will be easier to just ask that in person.