My natural skin color

Today, when me and my sister were browsing through some Photo Albums I found a picture of me with my natural skin color, which I thought is pretty awesome! I mean, I’ve always told people how dark I’m actually supposed to be, but I bet I haven’t shown anyone of you how dark that really is…

My sister, my mother and me in Rio de Janeiro

Surprised? Well, you should be because I almost thought that my memories were playing a trick on me when I realized how white I am compared to that… but well… I guess my memory is still intact.

Well, other than that I’ve started to play EQ2, and PB have joined me. Well, if anyone is interested in joining us, we’re playing at the Splitpaw server.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

PS: You have until the end of today to change your characters for the apocalypse, tomorrow I’ll start making them and then it’s too late. :DS

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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2 Responses

  1. Patrik says:

    haha , yeah.. wow that was quite a big difference , guess living up here in the cold does that

  2. Herid Fel says:


    Well, well…

    One day, and that day may never come…
    I might go to a sunny land again and become as dark as my other Dark Elf kin…

    To much EQII, well I actually preferred that color, believe it or not and it would actually be quite awesome to have that color AND this afro, hehe.