I Dunno

I don’t know what to write, thus the title. This is most likely a ramble, but well, why not Dunno? Well…

It seems like The Apocalypse have been postponed more and more but finally we have a final start date! 31th of December 2008. We will play ALL DAY if possible, and as far into the night we can. This will be the beginning of the Campaign.

This seems to be the Characters you’ve chosen;

Agus Neco
Demion Optimus
Issha Moonlight

Hellfire Taibane
Leon Silverhair
Siramada Serpothir

Felix Mine
Tamber Makkadax

And the first scenario is titled; The End is Nigh – Unite!

Well, well…
I’ve still have to create the characters, which I will do the coming few days as well as the plotlines and such. You can change your options if you want until tomorrow, then you’re stuck with those alternatives.

Note that I’ve added the Odin and Shin to the list.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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1 Response

  1. Herid Fel says:

    Since, nobody seemed to be interested in changing it’s now set!

    See you on New Years Eve.