Computers again…

Well, it seems like I’m ordering computers again, yey! This time though it’s not my money and it’s not a present for anyone! Maybe except me if I want to order my new server but I kind of hesitate when it comes to that point… it’s a lot of money.

Well, Signe is going to have a new Computer for 9k which will be fun to put together. It will probably be about the same as PB’s computer but slightly better I think. My Father wants an average computer with expansion possibilities so it will become something like 4-5k there and if I myself will order my computer stuff it will be about another 3-4k in parts depending on how I decide to build my computer.

I’ve been watching quite a lot of Friends lately… not speaking of computers. Well, the main reason I see this series is because of Robert and well… I think it’s very misleading in some aspects but it’s really fun sometimes too. It’s really fun to see how the actors get fatter and fatter each year too, hehe.

I think I need to fix my server before I get mad. I have been in pain for too long without a working server and right now one problem after another is building up and I’m going crazy!! Even though some problems doesn’t necessarily have to do with the computer itself. And I think that people too will have a great use of my server if I got it going again. So maybe I will fix it anyway, before FRA and IPRED comes and kill us all!

Pettan, Pettan, Tsurupettan!

I got a new television today… I’m thinking about selling my old one or give it to Robert if he wants it. Well, well, it doesn’t matter anyway though I think that I will probably be giving it to Robert anyway in the end.

I want money. Do you have a job? I am crazy, I am frustrated, why? Well… I am just tired. Well, then have a nap, then fire ze mizziles!

This is becoming flumngh. Well, I better tell you know. If KES is finished after Saturday, then I will probably have Cluedo sessions and other actitities instead. I won’t just let it be. Maybe we’ll do something fun together… whatever that could be, heh.

Well, now I’ve squirted out too much already… I think I need to lay down, rest a little and watch all the Anime I’ve missed…

Somebody stop me!

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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