Ramble V

Well, well… this is what happens when you are busy for a couple of days. You fall behind on posting as well as some other things. But as soon as you are finished you catch up again. So well, it’s only to keep trying. Don’t give up, never give up. We won’t stop giving all we got!

So well… a week of many sessions is coming up. Well, it’s not much to do about it other than to get through with it. We will se how harsh I’ll need to be in my criticism but most likely it won’t be that bad =).

Well, two sessions is what I said that you’ll need. Hopefully I will have at least one day or evening free or I’ll die from exhaustion before Saturday arrives. But well, we’ll see which sessions you’ll book. I’ve put up all the vacant spots right now and I will try to get to work as soon as the session with TA is finished.

Speaking of which Hannes have now created his character which is an Orc Warrior, outcast as everybody else. The theme is still outcasts and hopefully not too educated and world sophisticated adventures so things will be a little fun to explore and see the new world. I will work with that today to make the techs and everything. I’ve also changed B, I, E and M to 1 to 4’s instead. This will be easier I think to have with a new group but I won’t cut down too much. If I do that then it will somewhat ruin my goals with this.

Well, well… I will once again recap what is planned for the week. For the ElSe player’s the first session will be a review of the last arc where we list the actions and the effects since the group started playing again. We will try to list everything that has happened from your characters point of view and in chronological order. We will then discuss this flowchart and the events a little and then decide how to proceed. If we need to characterize something or train on something else or just determine what has actually happened inside your character, in other words how to proceed and develop the character based on the events it’s been through.

The second session will be the result of the first. Either we train on what we’ve decided or we just jump back in one of the preset timeframes and play a little with it in one way or another. We also might just do a more practi-theoretical session where we’ll just go through things that might be needed.

It might be able to play two sessions during one day. BUT, this is not easy to determine in beforehand so therefore you cannot assume this will be possible. Just pick the session that suits you and if the session after yours is still vacant and it turns out that we can proceed immediately to the next step we’ll do so.

As for Karnark we will most likely just play a little to set a base for the second arc for you and give you some directions. Know that you will have very little time to play on, probably, so you must prepare to force the character forwards in a quick pace and to enjoy your possibilities and your characters to the full, you’ll never know when you’ll be able to play him again after the second arc.

Something to think about now before the sessions; critisizm to both yourself and me as a game master. And for gods sake be true and honest to yourself as well as to me! I will ask you (Ankan and PB) what you think you could have done better and what you think you’ve done good so be prepared for these questions and the question that will follow in those stead.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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