Dexter – 3×04 – All In The Family
Have been released. I actually meant to write this post just right after I had seen it, around 11:40 in the morning, but a lot of stuff happened at once that have kept me occupied for quite some time. However, I have seen this episode and I must say that I think that Dexter now is a lost cause.
Well, it’s not like Dexter is bad but it’s not good anymore. It feels like they just want to mess around and tries to make some dramatic inter-plots and they lay all too much focus on other people now. In any usual series this would have been acceptable, but we no longer see Dexter as the Killer. This show has rather turned to become some CSI variation of The Pretender or something. It’s now about the whole office and Dexter’s own development as a character as well as all their issues and problems. A heck of a lot of problems, to boot. I miss the old Dexter that actually did kill people and actually did occupy himself with other stuff than boring office dramas. But I will watch this series till its end, for it’s not bad and I need some conclusion before I toss it into the garbage can.
Well so what have occupied me today? Well, actually I had planned to be occupied for about 24-hours in a row today. I awaited Mistborn – The Hero of Ages and about ten minutes before it arrived my mother called. She wanted some help. I had already promised her to set up a router in her apartment, though she needed some help to move some final last stuff as well. So well, I tucked down the book in my computer bag and went away with her.
Well, moving seldom gives time to reading and when you finally see your sister in the same time then you are social rather than busy with a book. Though we didn’t even had too much time to be social on. Well, when I finally was finished there and had gotten a ride back home around 17:00 then I was so tired that I ate and watched a series. Then I got called away again, this time brining the book too, even though I haven’t had time to read at all.
When I got home, early in the morning today, I didn’t feel to read either. I was a little bit too tired to read and I had about a bunch of series to browse through. Mostly western shit since I wasn’t and isn’t in the mood for Anime right now. So in conclusion, I have barely read the book at all and when I had had time to pick it up I have read about one page here, a half page there, so I’ve only come to about the second chapter or something, maybe less.
Now I could sit down with my book but after all the series I got really tiered and slept to about now. There will be role-playing tonight and I need to go through my notes for the session and eat before and if I start to read now, I will not be in the right mood when it’s time for the meeting and the session. Though I will read, if only to a decent point in the book, like the closest chapter.
Well put that aside, I really look forward to play out what is happening in the future. I am slightly re-adjusting my concept of Star Crossed so it will be more unique and actually be a fitting mechanism of the world so well. I must though say this again, do not put to much hope in these characters. I doubt they will live through this year. Assuming we actually play about twice or even thrice times a week I do not believe that they will last longer than proximately ten to twenty sessions. And that is only if we pick up the pace a little, which I hope we will do now that this period at the University is coming to an end.
Best regards,
Herid Fel
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