Off the Track

Where is my mind?
Where is my mind?

Well, today have felt light somehow. I’ve had some trouble thinking like everything has been floating around in my head and I’ve just felt off the track somehow. Distracted by nothingness and just swarming around like a drunken bee in a bottle.

Well, today have been not so eventful though it could have been the end or something like that. This morning I went by the Animeshow just to check in on them only to see something that looked like a catastrophe. Well, not really, but they had almost nobody there! It went bad in other words. But the worst thing was that their supposedly chairman was home sleeping, six hours after it’s opening! That’s absolutely preposterous! The leader sleeping it off instead of preparing the show! I call that lack of enthusiasm. Other than that I’m pretty impressed by the rest of the board’s efforts. They had really decorated the place nice.

Even so they seem to have a great deal of problem in their inner workings of the association. The chairman doesn’t want to be the chairman, the best person on the board has left it1, they doesn’t participate in local events or try to advertise themselves enough and the rest of the so called association isn’t even organized. But it seems like they are going to have a year meeting and try to change the board a little because some of them sounded really disappointed with Emil/David (the chairman). It’s when stuff like that happen that it itch in my fingers to take it over again.

And maybe I should, but only that this time I would not actually do anything only give them their cues and say; for this to work these things needs to be done. The thought is actually pretty appealing, if I manage to pull it through. I will just be the one saying what they need to do and leave the rest to them. The only problem is that if I’m going to be the spokesman I need to attend to their shows. But I might be able to work something out with having a vice-chairman to speak in my place. Most likely I will do something like that, because even though WANO isn’t mine it still feels like my creation and I’m very reluctant to completely leave it alone… obviously.

Other than that I had Drak as a co-worker or whatever to call it while I was boat guard in Hagaviken. The evening started a little slow and so but in the end it went pretty good, nothing happened other than we watched some movies and drank some tea. Quite nice, as always… even though I was a little off and didn’t really feel like myself that day. I actually offered to pick Drak up, which is not like me but for some reason I did and on the way back I was nearly driving into another car, which wouldn’t have been the best thing to do…

Right NOW2 I’m thinking about writing another possible short story. Ankan is still ready to start playing with the others but now I’ve put Ankan on the lead for the timeline though I will mix a little with the time to get it right in the end. Exactly how I’ll do it I will work out later. My first goal is to unite and enable a group of any kind now when Foppa is in hiatus.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

  1. Most likely because they all relied on her. 

  2. Which is Monday around 14:00 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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