Daily Report – Friday 16/8 – 08

As always when I’m watching movies with Drak that day seems to always pass by without any posts being made. Well, it’s pretty obvious why, I’m busy most of the day and the end of the day is spent drinking beer and watching movies until we’re too tired to do something other than sleep.

It’s nice to sometimes do something else for a change and with someone else. Always doing the same thing or just doing stuff alone can after a while be pretty dull. But the best part with Drak is that it’s different to be with him than everybody else I’m currently spending time around.

Well, this post won’t be long… I just don’t want do be fall behind again so that’s why I’m writing this. However yesterday or today depending on how you see it, I really missed Japan. I think it had something do with the weather or maybe my mood. I’m also thinking about that my experiences finally are being processed from my short term memory and are slowly but surely transferring to my long term memory.

That brings me to another subject, I think. Lately I’ve had many stray dreams with Japan as theme. This mostly happens when I let the reins free to let my subconscious improvise but sometimes I’ve just found myself in dreams where I re-experience Japan or go back there before I’m getting control again. But it seems like I lose control of my dreams quite often nowadays, not to mention that I’ve actually have stopped caring about my dreams and therefore almost managed to ignore them sometimes…

Oh yeah, I had a break in into my car today. This is the second time they try to do that and also the second time they actually break in and don’t manage to do anything other than break stuff like the panel and such. That makes me wonder how bad they really are, trying to steal a very popular car (for stealing purposes) but even so failing. They must suck at what they do.

Well, well… as some of you know the world is going forward1 but the next sequence of events won’t happen yet. I mean you need to play a little so time will go forward. Right now the ones leading the time is Foppa and PB so they are the ones that’s setting the speed.

And a last quick note… The session’s page came up because it’s available and is supposed to be used. To repeat myself, IT IS THERE TO BE USED FOR SESSIONS, I’m not angry, just a little annoyed with the strange fact that some of you seem to neglect it and try to ask me in person instead or trying to relay it to me through someone else. If you want to play, and you want an answer that will hold you need to post there otherwise I won’t prepare or even try to get in the mood for playing. And then, asking if you can play ten hours before it’s possible to start without any notice in advance will always just make me say; we’ll see or maybe. And I do prefer the session page instead of a series of SMS or questions over MSN and phone. As I’ve explained this way I don’t need to repeat myself and all can se what’s happening and when.

Please have this in mind in the future, at least to keep down unnecessary irritation.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

  1. I mean The World of Nianze, for those who misunderstood. 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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