Physical Breakdown

Well, my body seems to fail me once again, but I guess that’s life. Both my knees started aching pretty bad while I was running this Monday and I therefore decided to take it easy today while training. Other than just the regular part of the knees I also have an additional ache around my joint-muscles not to mention the standard periosteum inflammation which one sometimes get when running/walking and such.

Well, this isn’t the only physical problems I’ve endured lately, but it sure is the most annoying one. Today1 I tried my leg and found that almost instantly as I begun to run I could feel the ache along my joints and later the whole knee was aching. This was mostly my left knee, which have been troubling me before as some might remember. This time I also had a hard time swimming too so I think that I can’t train away this but I need to wait a while, therefore I won’t train this Friday to give the knees time to recover.

Yes, about everything else? Well, it’s not that important actually but as usual I start my mornings very nauseous until a while after I’ve eaten my breakfast. I also have begun to wake up with a minor headache that disappears quite quickly. I could actually go on pretty long about all my problems with my body though either you or I care about them. What good wills that do, worrying about every little strange thing the body does? No, right now I couldn’t care less about my body, when I almost don’t need it at all.

I think I need to buy some food tomorrow and I need some more breakfast material before I run out of it. Well, well…

Best regards,
Herid Fel

  1. Wednesday 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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