Song of the Week #31
Nordman – I Nattens Sista Timma
Sitter du i mörkret, och sörjer det som var
Så fastnar du tiden, fast ingenting finns kvar
Du slår dig själv i bojor, som du smitt av bitterhet
Och ingen tar sig in i din värld av ensamhet
Livet kan vara din vän, först när du lever!
Ödet kan formas igen, bojorna brytas än
Döden skall komma till dig, vem är förskonad?
Om du är nöjd eller ej, hämtar han dig ändå
I nattens sista timma, när lågan flämtar till
Då vaknar också döden, och frågar vad du vill
Han väntar där i mörkret, som tätnar i ditt hus
Befriar dig från skuggor och blåser ut ditt ljus
Livet är bara ett lån, du är en låga!
Var än den kommer ifrån, tändes den dock för dig!
Håll den så länge du kan, liv är att våga!
Bara en gnista en som brann, var det ändå ljus för mig
Vad finns kvar av du hade då
I en tid som inte längre finns?
Väntar livet i det stora blå?
När du vågat lämna allt du minns?
Livet är bara ett lån, du är en låga!
Var än den kommer ifrån, tändes den dock för dig!
Håll den så länge du kan, liv är att våga!
Bara en gnista en som brann, var det ändå ljus för mig
Yare, yare…
To begin with I think I’ll give a quick translation of the pure meaning of the lyrics for those who doesn’t know Swedish. The context is about someone, maybe the listener, that if you just keep your mind to the past you will get stuck in time though nothing is left and the dangers of that. It’s in short about how you need to look forward instead of being sentimental and look back all the time. I want to use the text in this context as well as many other contexts too1.
I think this song is has pretty poetic and nice lyrics, though most likely nobody will agree with me. But what do I care, you don’t care about me anyway, haha! Well to be frank, I actually don’t care about you, take and give a select few. This is why thoughts as moving away from Luleå and breaking bonds and contacts are so easy thoughts for me. The only thing that I see right now that would be a bother if I move is my economical situation would change quite drastically, though I think I can solve that.
Tomorrow I’ll play a brief session, but other than that I can’t promise that it will be too much sessions in the near future. Why, well… my source of energy have depleted or have taken vacation. So after tomorrow I’ll call all sessions until it returns. So no need to worry for the session page. I will even take it way, yes, I’ll do that, good idea me. Thanks, you know, I am the best after all. Heh, no you’re not! I am! Both, then we’re both the best, I guess so.
But to return to truth, even if I don’t move to Japan, I will return there for a longer period by the end of this year or in the beginning of the next one. My plan is to actually be there at least during my birthday. But well, we’ll see what happens. Time has lately proven that a period of just half a year is quite long. Much happens even though I occupy myself with RPG all the time. Time is most likely even my biggest enemy. I don’t like time, it do nasty things to things I like… from now on TIME will be the ultimate evil instead of sleep. My philosophy has changed. Sleep is now on the second place after time.
As for my absence from MSN, well… I don’t see the point of haning around there right now when my favourite person doesn’t seem to be very talkative on MSN anymore. Well, maybe I’ll return someday, but for now I think you don’t even need me on MSN either. I never talk to anybody except for Drak now-a-days anyway so no harm done.
As for the rest of the world? Well, I wouldn’t give a damn right now. I am me and the rest of the world is obviously against me. If you stand in my way I’ll kill you!
Best regards,
Herid Fel
Those, you’ll have to understand yourself =) ↩
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