A Possible End – Part II

WARNING: This post won’t be nice; I will be frank and most likely even a little offensive.

So, what will happen if Jayde died? Well, to begin with we will now have a completely divided group or rather; no group at all. Ankan will continue to play alone for about five to six more sessions and Foppa will then have to continue to adventure by himself when PB most likely will take a break. But this is not all…

To begin with… PB was greatly discouraged already when he got the bad news that the lethal rate of his situation was considered nine out of ten. When the only thing I would rate ten is something that is meant to absolutely not fail to kill you. Like the terminator that was impossible to beat and impossible to survive.

Then a lot of PB-foolishness came out of him. That the past year has been useless and that he haven’t achieved anything. Well, I know what you mean and how you feel but that’s pure bullshit. If that’s really how you feel then I don’t think role-playing is good for you, at all.

Even though your concept haven’t been so greatly developed as you would have liked it to be and even though you spent the most part of this to just be tossed around in the world memories have been created, things have been experienced and you have gotten to know the world of Yurin much better. You have been a part of many things and even though you might die don’t make the whole year useless just because you haven’t finished your character to the end you imagined. If you really think that it’s so and can’t see anything else than that then role-playing isn’t for you, not with this style… which brings me straight into the next subject.

Complaints of that it’s not been easier, rather harder. Well, let me tell you why it’s been harder. It’s become more logical and realistic which leads to that most people feel more secure when a structure works. The world is more dangerous than ever before because everyone isn’t as powerful as before. This means that the only way to live is like today, you need to have contacts and you need to have a place that is beneficial for you. The changes haven’t been made to make the world easier in the way that WHOA! I am strong; therefore I can get whatever I want. Those characters will die an almost certain death. This is a harsh, hard fantasy world that can kill even the mightiest hero or king in seconds.

This is to me the biggest disappointment since Japan, not that you haven’t been able to do whatever you wanted to do, which you all actually have been able to do. It’s only that you yourselves have created situations where you piss off people and then think that they will be okay with it. The respect and understanding of the world is something that is vital to survive or even be able to play at all. This is the sole reason to why Jayde have now pissed off about 80% of the nobles that have been within 10 miles from her.

The strange thing though is that when I’ve been asking for complains these haven’t been brought up, it comes when Jayde is almost dead from PB. And I myself think that it’s only because he feels like the world is unfair, but actually I think it’s rather that he have a big problem adjusting to the world in whole. This also makes me wonder why he likes Sancho so much when this place is a place where respect, honour and over-all strength is what makes the world go round. This place would be death for Jayde, as certain as Tesh is.

So what the hell am I saying and why haven’t I used STOP to point it out? Well, to begin with, STOP is only if the character acts abnormal from its profile and that means a lot. Jayde have been made as a thickhead with almost only muscles and no brains, even though she should have some brains. But that’s okay, she was only 17 to begin with. But ever since then Jaydes foolishness and PB’s way of never letting the character understand that always wanting his or her way through just because of the pure fact that he/she is stronger than everybody else in all ways is only hurting the character. I believe I have explained this earlier.

And then to the thing that is most disturbing about the whole situation… how you just give up and so on. Okay, I can understand a brief pause, time to think and build a new concept. But to feel like everything will be meaningless, well then I can tell you that everything we do that aren’t essential to our own survival is meaningless. Some in the group just jump from one character to the next. Now lately I believe that this change is harder than before due to the fact that you now need to lay down so much more work on one character before it will be put into play. Even so, going on with ones life and create a new concept is not wrong.

You create something, maybe without a clue and just make up something and make the best of it. Today I got the question if Ankan is on the adjusted to the party… well… that’s the wrong question. Now when you create a character you don’t create it to be on the same level as the others. No, I did so before but now I will do something a little bit different. I will will give you the possibility to buy create a almost level character to the others but nothing say that you must do so. You can just create a more professional or specified character with cool stuff like Demonic Lineage, a racial ability or maybe Ambidexterity or something else you never can afford. And you don’t need to create a character that is even in the slightest nearby the same level as the others. You may have SP enough to do so but you chose not to. A funny concept instead of something powerful that well be as powerful as everybody else in a fight.

So just creating a concept isn’t hard and isn’t something to be ashamed of either. To be able to let go of the last one and feel that your feelings for it’s end is the proof for it being a great character. Appreciate the memory of it and do not just think that just because you didn’t take over the world and crushed all your enemies you are a failure. You need to understand and feel the empathy of the situation from all aspects. The character, the story, the world and so on. Nothing is a failure in role-playing games even though so much more could be achieved with the character and so on.

Think of this and snap out of your foolishness and cheer and play on with your character until the very end or until the game master says; “Your character is practically dead, do you want to continue or create a new one?”…

If you disagree, well, feel free to discuss it, but if I should be frank… Quit being such a baby and think every once in a while longer than just now.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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