Short Report – Monday 9/6 – 08

Well, I name this short report just because my intention isn’t to write very much anyway, just write a few words about now and then, here and there. Have anyone seen that series? It’s an animation series that’s pretty old in the same style as Python, if anyone have seen that one, hehe. However, let’s get on with it shall we?

Heh, my style of writing sure is strange sometimes, write like I speak or like write things or like it’s a story or like it’s just a enumeration or something. Well I hope you don’t find it too annoying anyways, you at least visit the blog, if you read things on the other hand is hard to tell. Sometimes it seems like you do, but sometimes it seems like many of you just opens the posts and skim through it… but well, doesn’t matter anyway.

Today we finished the characters for the kids. I think they find this system little bit strenuous and hard to understand the point with. However, they have now managed to pull through two sessions with this and now I just need to finish the new character sheets and revise some things and they will be ready to play. The next and – from one point of view – first session is set for Wednesday for the moment. Maybe I will postpone it but most likely not.

I had my father over for dinner today. I just cooked some meat and rice and talked and watched some humour sketches by Rowan Atkinson and talked about how he was feeling and what will happen in the future, if they will divorce or if they will try to keep together for a while longer. Well, time will tell but for the moment he need some time alone.

Other than this and the last post I posted today I’ve just been taking it easy with doing almost nothing of importance. Played Persona 3, went through some files and thought through about the first episode1 for the big group on Saturday.

If you want to order anything from with me, you better contact me with specific orders on what and so on, I prefer a direct link to the article, and the payment before Saturday. Also note that I think that the order shipping will be about 20 SEK per person, but I’m not sure yet, but everyone except Robert will have to pay this, I will pay for Robert…

Best regards,
Herid Fel

  1. Or session, whatever to call it… 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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