The First Session

Well, now we’ve played the first session and I think we all got some mixed up feeling about how it really went. To begin with we started a little late when we realized that David wouldn’t arrive. This didn’t really matter when I’m flexible and able to re-arrange my plans to fit for what I had to work with anyway.

Well to sum it up (I don’t really feel like writing right now), we went through some details I will go through over, and over again with the group as well as every single individual in the group. We started up a little but then we paused for food. After the break we continued a little and we ended up walking in the forest to stimulate some of us that were tired. This worked very well and we got through some things, but due to the fact that PB was working later that night the session ended pretty quickly.

So in all, we didn’t play a lot, but that’s not really the point of these first sessions. The first sessions is mostly do feel the character and to try to bring up and infuse the sessions with what we’ve discussed during our single-sessions. But well…

That’s the brief report on this matter, I’m obviously not in the mood quite yet for writing long posts about nothing full of details but well, I feel that this will come to me later today. I only need some exercise so maybe I’ll go out and get some now.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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