Dekita yo!

It’s finished!

The major updates on the blog is now finished and I have tried a lot of plug-ins for the site and it doesn’t seem like anyone have any more requests… the only requests I’ve listen to so far is only the ones I’ve heard in person. However, I’ve managed to get much of them fixed and I hope they will be to your satisfaction.

As for the rest of the blog, I have some posts that I will write about, but it seems like I always get things to do when I should write on the blog. But well, real life is more important. Most likely I will do as I did last time I missed this many days. I will write Four Short Posts in succession. In other words, break up one post into four posts.

Well, tonight we’re going to have a movie night. Even though we are only Me, David and Foppa, it will probably be good enough. PB will work later, and won’t come earlier just because of Age of Conan1. As for Ankan I think he was busy already. But then again, Ankan is a very busy person most of the time but yet he manages to be there right on time when and if you need him. He’s reliable if you are able to plan things well in advance.

Well, with that I wish you all a good evening to whatever you do. Play useless-games-that-will-always-be-the-same or doing something more important; like be with your friends and hang out and have a good time. Sore ja, mata ne minna san!

Best regards,
Herid Fel

  1. Yeah, he’s an associal bastard 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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1 Response

  1. Gerenan says:

    I created this account for myself for testing, and will most likely use it for both tests as well as in my role-playing posts. I will most likely even change this account to be a contributor; which is able to create posts too.

    But time will tell so we’ll see.

    Tomorrow I just wanted to inform you that I’ll be playing with PB in the morning and later we’ll have yet another movie-night. I will try to squeeze in some work and posts between this, and hopefully I will manage to do that. Just wanted to inform you of that.

    Deadly Wishes,
    Gerenan Marauder