Daily Report – Monday –18/2 – 08
Well, well… so today’s Monday once again.
The new player Emil, were introduced yesterday after the kids left. I think I overfed him with information but he managed to make his choices and create a character for the group. He will probably join on the next session, which depends on when and how much we play this week.
My body is breaking down again. But well, I may go to the doctor tomorrow… but probably I won’t. I don’t really know what it is about me and doctors but I simply cannot see how just paying an enormous lot of money to have a check-up can actually help things. I naturally doubt the power of the doctors of this world I guess. I know they can do surgical operations, give one tasks to prevent things and even to rehabilitate things…
But I doubt I need surgical operation, and the training exercises they teach one I already know or are able to find out about without needing to pay them for nothing at all. And anyway, even if they can do anything it doesn’t matter. But who cares?
Back to the role-play; I think I will drastically change something very soon… But I can’t promise anything. And with changing something I don’t speak of the rules. Rather the… opposition or environment, or something. But things are yet to be decided, but probably I will do it, complaints or no complaints.
I’ve got freedom again and with freedom I mean that I finally have fixed up FTP and DC on my main so I can get what I want in a reasonable speed too. I did this yesterday while I was playing with the kids. You got to use the time you get.
I need to do some school things this week to, a paper and some report of some kind. So we’ll se how much time I actually have for myself. But knowing me I’ll probably have quite a lot. When I decide to do something I often do it quickly so I can do what I want later. But well, sometimes I skip it, knowing that the ships haven’t sailed yet.
I’ve picked up a few new western series for testing. Some I just watched to test PB’s curiosity, with the expected outcome, while others I’ve picked up to learn more about real law, ethics and morale in action in an uncertain world, to make Nianze as well as my game mastering more realistic. This is also how I came over the fact that some in the group are playing their characters very badly. But in some sense it’s actually I’m who is to blame for that. I need to let them meet the world and learn from the world how to play instead of trying their way. I mean, if the world often NOT responds logically or right to one action, the action’s re-action won’t lead to the right thing. So in other words, if an action gives wrong counter-action, the one doing the actions won’t learn the right thing from the action and continue to do wrong until he/she realizes it or someone actually teach him/her that. And of course, lack of action is quite bad to, but what to do? Force someone to take action and play? If people don’t care enough about RPG to play well, why should I try to make them care?
But if we talk about series again, I’ve downloaded some movies too. I need to update myself a little. I’m a very bad watcher of movies. I actually haven’t seen many considered “classics” amongst the normal people. And in RPG, referring is a good tool and if I haven’t seen or cannot refer to things my players are familiar with, I won’t be able to make them see things the way I want them to see it.
But some in the groups (this is about both the big as well as the small) doesn’t seem to care about explanation. Not historical, reasonable, logical or even any description at all. This I don’t like at all. If you leave out everything that makes things reasonable and the detailed descriptions things will be so vague. I have a higher tolerance for it in the small group, I mean, they are only thirteen and in many ways they are a lot better players than most I knew in that age. But that may have to do with the game master. I demand pretty much from my players and I have taught the kids to play, so in that way I have learned out those things I think are important. But they are in a questionable age right now, and they learn much more slowly while they try to find out other ways to play as well as to develop in other ways.
But I won’t push them too hard to become better players, even thou it might be easier to help them become better players if I do, but if I do I might even destroy some of the fun in being a kid… I dunno. If they want my help at least Robert knows where to ask for it.
I got interrupted right now. Emil Hedemalm were here to finish his character and I took the opportunity to talk a little about random RPG-stuff as well. So it took a while. But his character seems to be pretty fun. Now I hope I haven’t scared him too much and that he actually manages to stay in our group without being scared or something. I myself think that he’s a great player with potential, but it’s all up to him to show it. So far I actually know nothing about his real role-playing skills.
But with that I’ll call it a day. I’m going to watch some of the series I’m watching and chat a little… and take some food.
Best regards,
Herid Fel
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