Well, what to say?
To be completely honest, this post is just about filling an vacant number on the calendar of my blog. But so what I say, sometimes some meaningless bladder really can entertain, or tell, for a few minutes.
So well, what to say then? Hmm, I have some problems with my body, again. My muscles are aching due to a mild muscle inflammation. I have it on both legs, the lower back and my right hand… The cause for this is a great many small things, lack of water, salt, iron and lack of warmth. The salt thing I really don’t understand. I mean, I don’t eat sugar, almost only salty dishes and when it comes to candy I’m down to almost none…
The explanation I heard was that it was my fucked up metabolism again that flushed out too much of those substances I needed and therefore I need to eat more, or eat more regular so the body can work with it’s peak efficiency when I have the substances I need in the right place…
My response; Eh… whatever. I’ll die soon anyway, no need to care about that.
Other than that my ankle is healing, slowly but surely. If I let it, it may be better than ever this time… I’ve thought of starting to train it to with a balance board of mine. Haven’t used it since I was about… twelve? Maybe thirteen, I don’t remember anymore. It’s a long time ago anyway.
About Kyle XY, which came out yesterday, I may stop watching it soon. I mean, it’s starting to become an almost normal “I am superman and tries to live a normal life” almost all the mystique and interesting stuff is fading away. The latest two episodes they’ve focused more on the development of teenage-drama-plots rather than trying to mystify or trying to get on with the Kyle and Jessie plot to an end.
About the RPG, I think I may be introducing a new SLP soon. I haven’t decided who yet but well… that will come. More about the big group I think that the group is a little hard to control gently. One thing that have (once again) remerged is the thing that everyone is turning to much to themselves when they play their characters. Same personality as always and in-game logic and reason are very rare. In the big whole… almost nobody in the group develop their characters personality. This goes almost to everyone, with one exception. They create a character and plays it for about 70 sessions in a row without any little change in the personality. One other thing is also that they have little, if any, regard to the people around them. Well, maybe I shall loose the leash a little and let things get out of hand and see what they do instead. If I’m lucky, the result will teach them as well as their characters (who don’t seem to learn anything) a lesson.
That’s it…
Best regards,
Herid Fel
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