Daily Report – Wednesday 9/1 – 08

Yeah, it’s a new title, do you like it? Well, whatever, it’s just a title to have when I don’t have anything of any value to write about.

Today has been a regular day, nothing special happened. But I know that sometimes its fun to read what happens to others for a while. And well, this blog is both for you as well as a reminder for me. So let’s just recall the day and see if anything else pops up.

Well, yesterday I were out walking to about 2 am. After that I went to bed, slept, but woke up around 4. But I then did something very unusual, for me at least, I just turned around and slept too about 8 am. Then I got up, ate breakfast and then went to the bus to school. We had decided to meet today to discuss our project. On the bus I met one of the girls in the group that were half-asleep.

At school I met up with the others and we then sat down and discussed what we should do. And we decided to do a musical or something like that. So we started to discuss the elements and roles and the script. We made a base, but decided to continue with the rest this Friday instead. One in the group is sick so we decided to give him some time to recover. So when we were finished the girl who I met on the bus and I took the same bus back to the city. Ankan stepped on the bus later, but well, nothing more about that.

In the city I took a bus to Muddy River, to fix my parents computer. This took roughly about four and a half hours to finish. Thou I found some interesting files while doing the backup. My parents obviously kept files about all matters around my early school years. I found documents about what had happened when I was in 6th grade to 8th grade. I didn’t even remember all those bullies and situations. But what was most interesting was to finally know what my mother and father had done to prevent it all. Obviously she had gone to quite great lengths to get the principals to understand the situation and she even managed to get the support from most of the other kids’ parents to get her will through about the bullying situation against me in our class. Well, interesting reading but I felt some anger and irritation while reading about every incident that happened throughout these years. Some of them long forgotten and others very well remembered. One thing that I found especially interesting is one of the biggest events that I actually lied a little about. While I was reading my version of the story I remembered the situation when they asked me all those questions and everything that happened. And even remembered why I lied and so on. It’s quite interesting to have flashbacks like that.

Well, enough about that, after I had finally finished I walked back home. But while walking I felt a little strange. My mood was, murky or something. Like back then, in ninth grade. I felt … bitter and focused. And my thoughtpattern was different from the usual. But it went forward as I was high. It almost felt like after or before a fight… well. Well, I won’t become my old self. Not yet, anyway. But it’s obvious that these thoughts about my childhood are affecting me.

After this I’ve just cleaned up a little, watched some anime and made dinner for myself. Soon Emil1 will come by to get his posters for the Animeshow that will be soon. Which reminds me that I need to download all that stuff…

I’ll soon reformat my main computer, I think…
Need more space on the system drive, and I can’t extend it without reinstalling the OS. But if I don’t do it now I think I’ll wait and then rebuild all my computers. I need to expand my server. And maybe even upgrade my main computer a little. Then I would have some pieces over to build a computer to Robert too, which would be great. …

Well, now I’m listening to music, watching anime now and then, and soon I’ll start writing on a reflection of yesterday’s lecture. But I’ll be online on MSN if anyone wants me anything.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

  1. Or David as his real name is 

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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