Today has been a wonderful day, as always when I spend most of my time with Robert. Being able to release some other issues and just relax. And I must admit, I’ve missed him, even thou it’s only been about a week since I saw him the last time. But then again, my mood has been quite down recently.
But what I feel and think isn’t the issue in the world. What I want and what I get is two different things. That is a lesson we all have learned, some the easy way and others the hard one. That’s reality, and you can’t escape reality. Unfortunately.
I got a Christmas present from him too, Robert I mean. I’ve still not got him anything but I think I’ll get him something. But if he get it before or after Christmas I don’t know yet.
Kommer du ihåg?
En vintertid.
Du såg ett famlande, ramlande, ångande lokomotiv.
Sen kom förvandlingen.
Den stora ljusa sommaren…
Jag tycker om när du tar på mig.
Jag tycker om när jag ser dig vid min sida.
Jag tycker om när du finns hos mig.
Jag tror det aldrig kan bli bättre än så här…
För mig.
This is a quote from a song I’m currently listening too.
Not that it’s that important, but songs and music is a wonderful way to express feelings with. The songs that appeal to me the most are songs like this. Songs that I can see parts of myself or my life in.
What do you think about Christmas?
Those who know me know that I really dislike Christmas, amongst other feasts. The only special things on the year are New Year and Birthday. And of course you can celebrate days when wonderful memories were made. Otherwise, I don’t like Christmas. It a good holiday for kids and the occasion is a little mystical and fun for kids to but it’s mostly… overrated.
Well, not much to say other than society and human “norm” is preventing things that can be something good to develop…
Best regards,
Herid Fel
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