Friday on a Tuesday

This day really feels like a Friday, if the fact that Robert and Rasmus haven’t been here are excluded. Otherwise the tempo of this day as well as the rest of it felt like an easy-going Friday. I have just managed to do about half the things I planned to do. The rest have just… not been done. No real reason, time just flew away and one thing led to another.

I visited Foppa and Robert today again. Robert was home with a minor cold and well Foppa studied for some seminar. So I enjoyed their company for about five hours before I went home. The plan were to shop some things… but when I saw that a bus home just came rolling to the bus stop I postponed the shopping errand until tomorrow. I guess the lazy-aura of the Forsbergs had affected me during my short stay. Foppa skipped his seminar and decided to do another task instead, just because he felt tired. Well, fooling around with Robert sure is fun, but well, it won’t last for much longer so well…

When I got home I decided to do something new. I have meatballs in the fridge but I decided to get rid of some onions and garlic that would rot if I didn’t do anything with them. So I made a stew and some rice. It was pretty good too. So I started watching Gundam SEED again while eating it. I have now rewatched the episodes I have watched about two times before, before I lost interest or something. This time thou I watched it just to learn the names and get a clear picture of who was who and what they were doing. It can be confusing in Gundam series if you don’t know it. Political, military as well as very complex in relations as it is some refreshing can’t hurt.

It seems like we haven’t played RPG for a long time. But well, today when I was lying in Foppa’s couch I wondered why I didn’t miss it so much. My conclusions were that Foppas statement that he should quit made me loose some motivation, and then during that short period when I tried to adjust to the thought I instead decided to give the kids the chance to play during a Saturday for the first time. That, along with having Robert here pretty often has made me feel like enjoying Robert’s company sometimes is funnier than RPG. One other thing that probably counts in is that I’m probably stressed. Not that I feel it really, but my body often tells me that afterwards. I need to do that report for school, and I haven’t got a book. And I need money, which was ment to be done today but will be done tomorrow… and other minor problems that may turn out to be huge if I leave them be for to long.

So tomorrow I need to restock my stash, as economically as possible. And I need to fill out those forms and fix the last of the money for 2007. And I also need to start a little on the report. Maybe even try to fix a book or two. So tomorrow I shall try to avoid spending most of the day watching anime, thinking about RPG and be with Robert and Forsberg…

But then again… I may do as I want, which always prevails in the end. Hehe…

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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