Once again

So it happens again. Being constantly sick, may be returning. The smallfever that is coming and going have returned once again to torment my body as well as even more headache and nausea. I don’t know what caused it, I’m eating properly (at least kind of) and I’m sleeping as usual (about four hours)…

I don’t think its stress, most things that need to be done are finished, and I seldom worry about the other stuff that isn’t finished. The only thing that concerns me is if Robert will have any use of my present. Before I bought it, it seemed like a great idea. But now I’m more anxious if he even will like it. But well, that’s just a minor concern; I usually don’t worry about such small things and why I do it know is as unknown to me as why I even wanted to buy a present in the first place.

It seem like we are about to loose a player in the RPG-group. That’s sad, but most likely true. Not that I didn’t expect this to happen, it’s partly my fault too, most probably.
Nah, it’s rather most likely my fault due to my laziness and priorities lately. But we’ll see what happens.

Tomorrow I’ll play with the kids. I hope it will go well. It was kind of cut-off last time so it may be hard to pick up where we left off with the same feeling and all, but hopefully we’ll be able to do that. This is the end of the prologue in the campaign they’re playing and tomorrow we’ll start the first chapter.

My sister will come by too to say hi and talk a little. It was a while since we talked to each other so hopefully we’ll get some time to talk now after her trip to Barcelona. To catch up a little.

Other than this, well… I may need to either study together with someone in my class or borrow the books we need for the report due to the fact that I’m all out of books and most likely won’t have any money worth talking about before Christmas.

Well, I think that’s all.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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