Nianze News #004
L: Good afternoon and welcome to the fourth broadcast of the Nianze News. We are planning a new broadcast soon, and this short broadcast is actually just about what YOU want us to report.
D: In other words, what kind of information you want me to dig up and almost die for.
L: But D, you love digging up information and almost dying don’t you? At least what I’ve heard.
D: *Snarls*
L: Well, as you may have seen we have managed to get a poll for you all. The subjects currently on the list is; The Immortals, The Grandeur and The Xangan.
D: Like they even know any of those things? I sure ain’t familiar with all of them.
L: Well, lets give them a short description then. Immortals are people like me, which have achieved immortality and become heroes trying to survive and help the world toward a victory of the Apocalypse.
D: The Grandeur is a great bank and actually both the Grandeur and the Xangan is run by the same people, and the Xangan is a Jail.
L: So here we have the choices dear listeners! Immortals, Banks and Jails!
D: I believe they aren’t interested, so I think we can stop this stupid radio-thing and go home and take a good long nap on the couch… and a pint of mead with a big bloody steak.
L: Well, I’m not giving up yet D, so let’s just wait and see!
D: Pha! During that waiting I will go home and have my nap.
L: Well, you do that, you’ll need it! This was the Nianze News and we’ll be back as soon as we got some more news to share with you, until then vote and keep your telepathic radio tuned on this frequency!
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