One free day…

I’m free today, no need to go to school and no role-play this eve either. But I’m sick. I woke up with a mild fever and a fever-headache this morning, probably because I’ve slept too much…

When I’m finished with the last task for school, which I plan to do today, I’ll be free to work on Nianze. The coming three weeks will be easy, with no hard tasks at all.

And about the third chapter of the Journey of the Damned, it will come. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, who knows?

I hope my chipped PS2 and my flat-screen arrives tomorrow. I’m planning to tear all my computers apart very, very soon and rebuild every one of them. And get rid of my worthless laptop, which is broken. I’ll probably sell it on Tradera.

About Tradera, at the moment I have about eight auctions up on tradera, hehe. Two of them are for Robert but well, I’m still running them, hehe…

And about role-play… It seems like we won’t be able to play anything before Thursday, so for those who works until Wednesday you can relax, no role-play for a while…

Well, that was all, for now, Herid Fel, over and out.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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