Tagged: youtube

Var är Oskar?

Var är Oskar?

Tänkte det kan passa av min konstanta frånvaro från min egen blogg… httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOb-kNihqLQ När jag var liten så fick jag ofta höra den här låten och de andra låterna från samma skiva. Det kommer...

Portal 2 – Co-op

Portal 2 – Co-op

I think the video speaks for itself. 🙂

Funny Commercials

Funny Commercials

Since I have been watching alot of Starcraft 2 tournaments I have also been in the lucky position to watch the commercials a million times, specially the ones at the MLG tournaments. Most of...

Two Amazing Cat Videos

Two Amazing Cat Videos

You just must see this, it’s amazing! And cute =).

The Re-read Begins!

The Re-read Begins!

There are barely 50 days left before The Towers of Midnight are to be released and I plan to read the entire series at least once, maybe twice before the release.

Eh, WTF?!

Eh, WTF?!

Denna video får en bara att tänka… WTF?!

Something for my Absence

Something for my Absence

Heh, well, since I’ve been away I will give you at least something more than this. I can tell you that I’ve worked some on some Nianze-adjustments but I will not say more of...



A fun video and atleast I know the feeling. 😛

Like a Boss

Like a Boss

Actually it’s me (Herid) but since Drak was the one who showed me this video I post it in his name.

Stupid Americans…

Stupid Americans…

Well, I’m so far behind now that I’ll resort to desperate measures.