Tagged: Rasmus

fajAkkx – Year 45 – Agnes

fajAkkx – Year 45 – Agnes

Agnes var en betydande kvinna… en gång i tiden. Nu kämpar hon för att kunna bibehålla sitt medvetande och motstå de förrädiska virvlande dragen utav galenskap som genomsyrar hennes tankar och kunskap.

Rogark’s Enchanted Rune Hammer

Rogark’s Enchanted Rune Hammer

Enchanted Rune Hammer Description Before the trial of Immel at Cornwalds, Krom, Cornwald and Wenheart created a hammer with some minor help from the Mage Artificer Ihjahl. The hammer is made through new, modern...

Junior’s last day as a man…

Junior’s last day as a man…

I’ve castrated Junior Avatar today. Not the Boy. Even though it would have been fun if they were tied as if a stigma1 had been created. The phenomena when two ‘linked’ people shares the...

Sjuk igen…

Sjuk igen…

Jag satt och skulle skriva på EGL då febern kom krypandes vilket var väldigt störande. Jag hade redan under natten mot Lördags känt att det var på väg men jag hoppades att det skulle...

Efter Kitacon

Efter Kitacon

Jag kommer åka till Robert efter Kitacon har jag bestämt. Det kommer vara ett bra sätt att koppla av. Ska åka under veckan så Rasmus kan inte följa med tyvärr – hade ju behövt...

Another drop-out

Another drop-out

Rasmus have decided to drop-out from the group as well. WoW has taken him plus he’s lost some motivation due to the downtime. But maybe he’ll be back in the future, who knows? Anyhow,...

A Sentimental Promenade

A Sentimental Promenade

Today I got a bit sentimental after eating my lunch so I took a promenade walking around listening to a book. And on this sentimental walk I took the opportunity to try to time...

A Foul Mood

A Foul Mood

It seems like I’ve been put into a foul mood after the weekend.

Ramble LIX

Ramble LIX

Yet another name suitable for a Xin. Well, it isn’t that much of a surprise since the X is kind of essential in most Xin names.

Vampire Troubles – The Resolution

Vampire Troubles – The Resolution

The group didn’t wipe… but almost. Well, all in all I’m fairly satisfied with the results even though some things were really unexpected and somewhat… bad.

Grattis Junior!!

Grattis Junior!!

Grattis Junior på sextonårsdagen! Önskar Herid Fel mfl. GULASCH!1 Yeah, yeah, I know you think me predictable, but whatever to keep you happy ↩

Harry Potter Marathon

Harry Potter Marathon

Well, sometime in the middle of the week I felt like watching all the Harry Potter Movies again.