Tagged: mages

A Fierce Country

A Fierce Country

Arabiska Natt from Aladdin Och jag har sett land, och en främmande plats, och kameler i karavan. Och där öga för öga, och tand för en tand, var den lag som man var van....

A little bit of everything

A little bit of everything

Okies, this is a little bit of everything just as the title says. I’ve been thinking about this and that and doing this and that today and the last few days when I haven’t...

Rule Forum

Rule Forum

This is a post for or about my role-playing game Nianze. If you are a part of any of my RPG-groups I suggest to you to read this when this is for you. If...

Druid and Mage Suggestions

Druid and Mage Suggestions

Obviously this post is about RPG, so you don’t need to open this if you aren’t interested. If you are a player that are interested in voicing your opinions about this you should open...

Kiddy Game

Kiddy Game

I know, the title is quite strange but well, it suits pretty well. We have finally played the first session with the kids. This went fairly well though it could have gone better but...