Two years ago…
AFC started.
As you can see on the side I wrote the A Fierce Country-post where I tried to get into the spirits of A Fierce Country. It’s amazing that its really been two years I must say. It doesn’t feel like it. Rasmus was just 14 (going 15) and I was still trying to re-recruit him for role-playing with the “big group”.
Well, let’s take a moment to remember Keisuke and Hibiki, the two disabled and very disturbed young Shikárs. And let’s not forget the mystical merchant boy whose name I’ve forgotten, played by Foppa. And of course, Violet. The demonic witch. I remember how it all started. It started in a cave after a sand storm and I remember that it was a bit rocky in the start. Me with all my high demands and all. But it got better. And we played that group for quite some time if I don’t remember incorrectly.
It was first in Arc 2, after Shangri La that the group met the fearsome Souichirou. The chaotic, ill tempered Takfir Hunter.
I remember this group and even though the ending wasn’t as grand and successful as it could have been it was a good group with a good ending. We saw two characters from Foppa. The Merchant Boy and Erion, and we saw two from Daniel and Ankan as well. Keisuke, whom Ankan indirectly killed in an ambush after they’ve escaped The Rim, and Devon, the bounty hunter/monster hunter who were killed by one of the ancient artefacts of Macabre by Violet with the simple words; “Die”. And Ankan’s two characters; Hibiki, the deaf wind warrior who obviously had a very dark secret, and “Jake”, the strange prophetic boy we saw in The Eye group as well later.
Only PB and Rasmus survived with only one character. PB as always with his bitch character and Rasmus with his first “real” character made for a serious group. Unfortunately both of them died (or in Souichirou’s case took their life). Violet isn’t dead yet, but she will be. Going to the history books as the first specimen of the Demonic Gene.
Well, well… good times.
Old memories, old scars… It really does not feel like two years has passed, time is weird like that.
AFC was easily the campaign I’ve liked the most this far at any rate, and the two characters I made during it are my all time favorites…. So annoying that they both bit the dust *sigh*
Well as you said, good times indeed.
As far as I can tell you’ve only participated in AFC as a complete campaign since I changed my playstyle to serious. Tuon might have become even better but you didn’t play him all the way.
Yea, I agree. Facts stand though