To Fill In the Blanks I

This is some kind of a ramble-post I think. But at the same time it’s not. It’s purpose is different but the contents are similar, maybe. It might as well turn out to something completely different. Who knows?

Today… is February the 5th it seems. Well, good. What did I do today? Yes, I took a truck and drove to Umeå. It was very… big and different to drive compared to what I’m usually used to. I’ve driven a smaller kind of truck before, but this was fucking huge! Any larger and I would have needed another drivers licence.

I also had prepared, the night before a way for me to stay awake while driving, because that’s the biggest problem for me when I’m driving alone for long distances. To be awake. Looking at the road is very hypnotizing but the main reason to why I get sleepy in cars, busses and airplanes is simply because I hate them. Riding a car is slightly better than driving, because when you drive you cannot escape to the dreams and get the fucking trip over with quickly but you have to, not only stay away, but stay alert! Not too fast nor too slow. Not too close nor too far away from other cars. If you are too close, you risk bumping into them and when its winter you have the snow smoke also to try to avoid. But if you aren’t alone on the road and you stay too far away and it’s a little darker you can’t really see the road. The only way to see the road would be to turn on the full beam but doing so when you have a car or whatever in front of you would blind them through their mirrors which are almost even more dangerous than having the full beam on while meeting a car. Meeting a car with their full beams on is highly unpleasant and can be blinding, but it’s easy to avoid by just looking at the road and you can signal the other car to shut it off.

This is one of the second reasons to why I started out early on the day, the first being that I wanted some time with the kids before dinner and homework and eventual friends/evening activities and bedtime. But getting back to the thing I had prepared it was an audio book on my iPod. A book series I haven’t read that much of before that I were interested in reading. That seemed to do the trick for me to keep me lucid all the way from Luleå to Umeå. Even though I felt like I sometimes blanked the audio when I was concentrating too much in how to manoeuvre or where to turn. But it worked and I will probably use it again.

Best regards,
Herid Fel

Herid Fel

Well, ain't a blog enough?

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